All the treks are a paradise for lovers of flora, fauna and photography. Bhutan has close to 700 species of birds. Of these, 24 are registered as endangered species. There are 46 species of rhododendrons with at leat 4 found only in Bhutan. The Snow leapord, Blue sheep, Golden Langur and Takin are some of the rare animals that can be found in Bhutan
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Buddhist answers to common questions
Lam Shenphen Zangpo answers basic questions that every Bhutanese man, woman, and child on the street wants to know.
I get angry easily. How can Buddhism help overcome this?Well, basically anger is an expression or our insecurity based on wrong view. Let’s take a concrete situation as an example. Someone walks into our office and complains. Our immediate reaction is to become defensive, which often develops into anger. This is a common everyday occurrence in offices throughout the world.Now it is said that when the Buddha was sitting under the bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, he was attacked by the armies of Mara, which represent the poisons of our own minds. As the arrows of Mara’s soldiers fell towards the Buddha, they changed into flowers. This transformation is symbolic of ignorance being changed into wisdom.
In the context of our office situation, how can we transform the arrows of complaints into flowers of wisdom?
Well, first we should investigate what is being hurt. For an arrow to penetrate, there must be a solid target. In this case, that solid target is our own self-image. We have all developed a sense that we are somehow perfect and don’t make mistakes. Then, suddenly a person enters our space and points out an error. This situation forces us to acknowledge a side of us we want to keep hidden – that we make mistakes and are not perfect.
This is the point where we can let the arrows penetrate and react with anger or transform them into flowers. In the former case, we blame the intruder and try to blast him away. In the latter case, we examine the self-image, and in so doing we realize that it is just that – a self-created image. There is no solid substance. When we look at it in this way, the image softens and dissolves. Like the wide-open sky, there is nothing for the arrows to penetrate. At this point, we can turn to the person complaining and deal with the situation calmly. If they are correct, then we just apologize and make the necessary adjustments. If they are wrong, we explain this to them in a non-judgemental way.
So, next time anger arises, we can say to ourselves, “Ok, what is it that is being hurt. What aspect of me am I afraid to recognize”? It doesn’t imply that we become complacent. It just means that we are no longer disturbed by the situation. As the Buddha said, holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. We are the ones who get burned. In addition, we also lose an excellent opportunity to develop wisdom and free our minds of the narrow constraints of attachment to a self and all the emotions that arise with that wrong view.
I get angry easily. How can Buddhism help overcome this?Well, basically anger is an expression or our insecurity based on wrong view. Let’s take a concrete situation as an example. Someone walks into our office and complains. Our immediate reaction is to become defensive, which often develops into anger. This is a common everyday occurrence in offices throughout the world.Now it is said that when the Buddha was sitting under the bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, he was attacked by the armies of Mara, which represent the poisons of our own minds. As the arrows of Mara’s soldiers fell towards the Buddha, they changed into flowers. This transformation is symbolic of ignorance being changed into wisdom.
In the context of our office situation, how can we transform the arrows of complaints into flowers of wisdom?
Well, first we should investigate what is being hurt. For an arrow to penetrate, there must be a solid target. In this case, that solid target is our own self-image. We have all developed a sense that we are somehow perfect and don’t make mistakes. Then, suddenly a person enters our space and points out an error. This situation forces us to acknowledge a side of us we want to keep hidden – that we make mistakes and are not perfect.
This is the point where we can let the arrows penetrate and react with anger or transform them into flowers. In the former case, we blame the intruder and try to blast him away. In the latter case, we examine the self-image, and in so doing we realize that it is just that – a self-created image. There is no solid substance. When we look at it in this way, the image softens and dissolves. Like the wide-open sky, there is nothing for the arrows to penetrate. At this point, we can turn to the person complaining and deal with the situation calmly. If they are correct, then we just apologize and make the necessary adjustments. If they are wrong, we explain this to them in a non-judgemental way.
So, next time anger arises, we can say to ourselves, “Ok, what is it that is being hurt. What aspect of me am I afraid to recognize”? It doesn’t imply that we become complacent. It just means that we are no longer disturbed by the situation. As the Buddha said, holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. We are the ones who get burned. In addition, we also lose an excellent opportunity to develop wisdom and free our minds of the narrow constraints of attachment to a self and all the emotions that arise with that wrong view.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Gross National Happiness
GNH is the expression of a system of values that defined the Bhutanese system over centuries. Today, Bhutan articulates the need to preserve such traditions and values on the premise that what we have is good and should be preserved through change.Having opened up to so-called planned development, Bhutan is aware that rapid change will threaten all this, so it is seeking the clarity and credibility of a GNH society and a GNH economy by trying to give the concept intellectual depth and academic construction.
To say that GNH is doing fine in Bhutan would be wrong. The truth is that Bhutan is changing rapidly and society is not responding fast enough.
Even many decision makers today believe that GNH is just a phrase to attract wealthy foreign tourists. The skepticism is obvious from the fact that very few decision makers took interest in the fourth international GNH conference in Thimphu this week.
The young professionals, who did attend the conference, need to begin a new wave of discourse to intellectualise GNH. Decision makers must be forced to confront GNH so that it becomes a basis for policy decisions.
The truth is that Bhutan has got a lot of mileage out of GNH. It is good to be known as a happy country and a happy people. It has given the Bhutanese leadership an international image of intellectual maturity.
This comes at a time when human society is nervous about human security and the international community appreciates this higher goal for development and progress. They think Bhutan might have the answer - a new paradigm for development.
But this is an image and a reputation that Bhutan is yet to earn.
The fourth international conference was productive, with 25 nationalities represented and 65 papers documented. The papers ranged from early childhood to dynamic aging, ideal societies to broken communities, eco villages to environmental disasters, psychological disorders, nature-deficit disorders ... in fact, from happiness to Gross National Happiness.
Today, GNH is spreading around the world. There is a growing GNH community and growing international discussions. But the conferences need better focus. The trend is that 20 different people come up with 20 different interpretations of GNH. The risk is that, in the attempt to interpret happiness, Gross National Happiness itself will be lost.
It is too early for Bhutan to congratulate itself. What used to be an intuitively GNH society is breaking down. Bhutan is not in a position to fix the world’s problems. It needs to fix its own. GNH is just being constructed - the policies, the institutions, the economy, and the political system. Bhutan needs to nurture a GNH culture.
On November 24, the Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y Thinley posed some challenges: “How does one go about persuading people to adopt a new ethical paradigm that rejects consumerism? Is it enough for us to know how to measure happiness and to hope that this will influence policy-making?
Is making GNH policies and programmes enough? If people do not understand and favour GNH based policies, will politicians dare and, if they do, will they succeed? How do we as academics, thinkers, scientists, leaders and concerned citizens change our own way of life and behaviour?
The prime minister appeared to be seeking help from the academic community.
The Centre for Bhutan Studies is working on indicators and tools to provide the government material to develop GNH policies. While its survey has a long way to go, there are some preliminary results - some indicators and tools. They are educative and they are a warning.
But there is a communication gap in Bhutanese society. There is the academia, including GNH conferences, on one hand. There are planners, decision makers, and implementers on the other. There are some indicators and tools on one hand. On the other, there is the 10th Plan, which is still based on old priorities.
Some GNH proponents have a tendency to romanticise Bhutan and GNH. But it is more important that Bhutanese society face the painful truths and solutions.
Yet Bhutan is one country where GNH is possible. The government, starting with the prime minister, says that it is ready to use whatever indicators are available. Scientists and academics must urgently provide the leaders the will and justification to make difficult decisions. They must be able to legislate consumption restrictions, to introduce appropriate technology, must make sure that benefits are distributed equitably, that waste is controlled, that the children are given the right education ... in fact, that education is the foundation of GNH.
CBS’s GNH index may have a long way to go - but shows the current profile of Bhutan society, with some frightening - if not surprising - clarity. From a GNH perspective, Thimphu ranks the lowest, the reasons being the dilution of culture, community vitality, psychological well being, spirituality, and environment. Haa and other remote places are at the top.
But the real problem is that Thimphu residents claim that they are happier. Rural people all aspire to move to Thimphu. This is because, materially, Thimphu is better off. One study showed that Thimphu residents earned Nu 320,000 compared with Nu. 20,000 in Wangduephodrang.
This subjective analysis shows a complete absence of GNH. They show that Bhutan is no different from any other developing country in the world. And the question it raises is, what went wrong with the long-held policy of regionally balanced development?
There was another striking example at the conference. During a session on psychological well being, an international participant asked Bhutanese psychiatrist, Dr Chencho, “In this strongly Buddhist society, your monks must be helping you counsel your patients?” The answer was that the hospital has one monk who conducts rituals.
All this calls for dramatic re-thinking. GNH must be repeatedly interpreted as a responsibility. Gross National Happiness is not a promise of happiness. Happiness is an individual pursuit. GNH is a mandate of the state, a responsibility of the government, to create the right environment for our citizens to seek happiness.
While people must be empowered, GNH demands that leaders must have the wisdom to exercise their responsibilities. GNH must provide the insights and methods that can contribute to responsible leadership. GNH must continue to rely on enlightened leadership, which will be strong enough and imaginative enough to inspire change.
Bhutan has a young King, who is the guardian of the people’s interests and the guardian of GNH. GNH has been an intuitive vision of the Kings in the past. With the democratisation of the Bhutanese system, GNH discourse has become vital to develop conscious intellectual thought and ethics and imagination among the new leaders.
His Majesty the fourth Druk Gyalpo introduced democracy like a Vajrayana shock treatment. In his wisdom, His Majesty decided that parliamentary democracy was the best path to good governance. His Majesty decided that the best time for change was now, meaning 2008 and 2009.
As of March 24, Bhutan has a new political arrangement that has come in on the GNH platform. The Prime Minister is a champion of GNH. Can 2009 be a new beginning? Will GNH be debated in the next session of parliament? Will the 10th Plan assume a stronger GNH perspective?
For Bhutan democracy is not the goal. It is a path to good governance which is a pillar of Gross National Happiness. Both GNH and democracy demand the empowerment of the people.
But the conference has also thrown up the next question. Where do democracy and GNH actually meet? People point out GNH functions best under a strong leadership. Understanding this is another major challenge.
For Bhutan the questions are piling up faster than the answers. Many speakers re-emphasised the need for GNH in today’s world to deal with wars and conflicts, a climate crisis that threatens the life of the planet, unsustainable societies, financial crises that come up again and again.
Apart from the inadequacy of GDP, scientific and technological fixes are not going to work. Western enlightened thought - some call it reason - does not provide the answers.
The conference also suggested good examples of innovative measurement systems around the world. Canada’s GPI, France’s quality of life, many studies on well being in the U.S., the OECD measuring progress of societies, the EC’s Beyond GDP, many initiatives in the UK. There is much to be learned from the real architects of these initiatives. As much as GNH is unique to Bhutan, there is much to be shared outside Bhutan.
It is also time for young Bhutanese men and women to take up GNH thinking. There is much to be learned from similar schools of thought in history and from existing international experiences and innovations. A generation of young scholars must give GNH more depth and continuity.
What will truly be unique is, not so much the concept, but that GNH will be mainstream in Bhutan. It will be central to the government’s policies, institutions. It will be the strength of Bhutanese intellectual culture for the future.
While GNH travels around the world, there is a resounding message that comes through loud ad clear. It is a good idea but first make it work in Bhutan. This is the real challenge. For Bhutan, GNH must be the skilful means for survival. For the Bhutanese people, therefore, GNH is a responsibility, that is heavier than a mountain, more precious than gold.
To say that GNH is doing fine in Bhutan would be wrong. The truth is that Bhutan is changing rapidly and society is not responding fast enough.
Even many decision makers today believe that GNH is just a phrase to attract wealthy foreign tourists. The skepticism is obvious from the fact that very few decision makers took interest in the fourth international GNH conference in Thimphu this week.
The young professionals, who did attend the conference, need to begin a new wave of discourse to intellectualise GNH. Decision makers must be forced to confront GNH so that it becomes a basis for policy decisions.
The truth is that Bhutan has got a lot of mileage out of GNH. It is good to be known as a happy country and a happy people. It has given the Bhutanese leadership an international image of intellectual maturity.
This comes at a time when human society is nervous about human security and the international community appreciates this higher goal for development and progress. They think Bhutan might have the answer - a new paradigm for development.
But this is an image and a reputation that Bhutan is yet to earn.
The fourth international conference was productive, with 25 nationalities represented and 65 papers documented. The papers ranged from early childhood to dynamic aging, ideal societies to broken communities, eco villages to environmental disasters, psychological disorders, nature-deficit disorders ... in fact, from happiness to Gross National Happiness.
Today, GNH is spreading around the world. There is a growing GNH community and growing international discussions. But the conferences need better focus. The trend is that 20 different people come up with 20 different interpretations of GNH. The risk is that, in the attempt to interpret happiness, Gross National Happiness itself will be lost.
It is too early for Bhutan to congratulate itself. What used to be an intuitively GNH society is breaking down. Bhutan is not in a position to fix the world’s problems. It needs to fix its own. GNH is just being constructed - the policies, the institutions, the economy, and the political system. Bhutan needs to nurture a GNH culture.
On November 24, the Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y Thinley posed some challenges: “How does one go about persuading people to adopt a new ethical paradigm that rejects consumerism? Is it enough for us to know how to measure happiness and to hope that this will influence policy-making?
Is making GNH policies and programmes enough? If people do not understand and favour GNH based policies, will politicians dare and, if they do, will they succeed? How do we as academics, thinkers, scientists, leaders and concerned citizens change our own way of life and behaviour?
The prime minister appeared to be seeking help from the academic community.
The Centre for Bhutan Studies is working on indicators and tools to provide the government material to develop GNH policies. While its survey has a long way to go, there are some preliminary results - some indicators and tools. They are educative and they are a warning.
But there is a communication gap in Bhutanese society. There is the academia, including GNH conferences, on one hand. There are planners, decision makers, and implementers on the other. There are some indicators and tools on one hand. On the other, there is the 10th Plan, which is still based on old priorities.
Some GNH proponents have a tendency to romanticise Bhutan and GNH. But it is more important that Bhutanese society face the painful truths and solutions.
Yet Bhutan is one country where GNH is possible. The government, starting with the prime minister, says that it is ready to use whatever indicators are available. Scientists and academics must urgently provide the leaders the will and justification to make difficult decisions. They must be able to legislate consumption restrictions, to introduce appropriate technology, must make sure that benefits are distributed equitably, that waste is controlled, that the children are given the right education ... in fact, that education is the foundation of GNH.
CBS’s GNH index may have a long way to go - but shows the current profile of Bhutan society, with some frightening - if not surprising - clarity. From a GNH perspective, Thimphu ranks the lowest, the reasons being the dilution of culture, community vitality, psychological well being, spirituality, and environment. Haa and other remote places are at the top.
But the real problem is that Thimphu residents claim that they are happier. Rural people all aspire to move to Thimphu. This is because, materially, Thimphu is better off. One study showed that Thimphu residents earned Nu 320,000 compared with Nu. 20,000 in Wangduephodrang.
This subjective analysis shows a complete absence of GNH. They show that Bhutan is no different from any other developing country in the world. And the question it raises is, what went wrong with the long-held policy of regionally balanced development?
There was another striking example at the conference. During a session on psychological well being, an international participant asked Bhutanese psychiatrist, Dr Chencho, “In this strongly Buddhist society, your monks must be helping you counsel your patients?” The answer was that the hospital has one monk who conducts rituals.
All this calls for dramatic re-thinking. GNH must be repeatedly interpreted as a responsibility. Gross National Happiness is not a promise of happiness. Happiness is an individual pursuit. GNH is a mandate of the state, a responsibility of the government, to create the right environment for our citizens to seek happiness.
While people must be empowered, GNH demands that leaders must have the wisdom to exercise their responsibilities. GNH must provide the insights and methods that can contribute to responsible leadership. GNH must continue to rely on enlightened leadership, which will be strong enough and imaginative enough to inspire change.
Bhutan has a young King, who is the guardian of the people’s interests and the guardian of GNH. GNH has been an intuitive vision of the Kings in the past. With the democratisation of the Bhutanese system, GNH discourse has become vital to develop conscious intellectual thought and ethics and imagination among the new leaders.
His Majesty the fourth Druk Gyalpo introduced democracy like a Vajrayana shock treatment. In his wisdom, His Majesty decided that parliamentary democracy was the best path to good governance. His Majesty decided that the best time for change was now, meaning 2008 and 2009.
As of March 24, Bhutan has a new political arrangement that has come in on the GNH platform. The Prime Minister is a champion of GNH. Can 2009 be a new beginning? Will GNH be debated in the next session of parliament? Will the 10th Plan assume a stronger GNH perspective?
For Bhutan democracy is not the goal. It is a path to good governance which is a pillar of Gross National Happiness. Both GNH and democracy demand the empowerment of the people.
But the conference has also thrown up the next question. Where do democracy and GNH actually meet? People point out GNH functions best under a strong leadership. Understanding this is another major challenge.
For Bhutan the questions are piling up faster than the answers. Many speakers re-emphasised the need for GNH in today’s world to deal with wars and conflicts, a climate crisis that threatens the life of the planet, unsustainable societies, financial crises that come up again and again.
Apart from the inadequacy of GDP, scientific and technological fixes are not going to work. Western enlightened thought - some call it reason - does not provide the answers.
The conference also suggested good examples of innovative measurement systems around the world. Canada’s GPI, France’s quality of life, many studies on well being in the U.S., the OECD measuring progress of societies, the EC’s Beyond GDP, many initiatives in the UK. There is much to be learned from the real architects of these initiatives. As much as GNH is unique to Bhutan, there is much to be shared outside Bhutan.
It is also time for young Bhutanese men and women to take up GNH thinking. There is much to be learned from similar schools of thought in history and from existing international experiences and innovations. A generation of young scholars must give GNH more depth and continuity.
What will truly be unique is, not so much the concept, but that GNH will be mainstream in Bhutan. It will be central to the government’s policies, institutions. It will be the strength of Bhutanese intellectual culture for the future.
While GNH travels around the world, there is a resounding message that comes through loud ad clear. It is a good idea but first make it work in Bhutan. This is the real challenge. For Bhutan, GNH must be the skilful means for survival. For the Bhutanese people, therefore, GNH is a responsibility, that is heavier than a mountain, more precious than gold.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Bhutan Folk Festival December 2008
Bhutan Folk Festival
Location: Vicinity of the Punakha Dzong (Fortress)
Season/dates: 13, 14 &15 Dec, 2008
Duration: 3 days
Tourist Profile: Enjoys sports and games, history, culture, outdoors
Punakha is the winter residence of the Je Khenpo, the Chief Abbot of Bhutan. Situated at an elevation of 1350 meters or 4430 ft. from the sea level, it was once the capital of Bhutan. The valley has a sub-tropical kind of climate and winters are very pleasant.
The landmark of the place is its dzong or fortress-like structure called Punthang Dewachengi Phodrang. The Pho-chu or the male river flows to its right and the Mo-chu or the female river flows to its left offering a picturesque beauty to all who visit the valley. The dzong was the second of its kind built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1637, who unified Bhutan under one authority, the first being Semtokha dzong built in 1629. It was also in this dzong where the first king of Bhutan Sir Ugyen Wangchuck was enthroned as the first hereditary king of Bhutan in 1907.
It is in the vicinity of this dzong where a three-day festival captioned the ‘Bhutan Folk Festival’ will be held starting from 13th to 15th December 2008. The event is organized to commemorate the hundred years of monarchy in Bhutan. It will be a very special occasion for the tourists where they can get to participate with the local people in all of the events.
You will experience and discover the living tradition and culture of Bhutan which form very much the part and parcel of present-day Bhutanese life. You will also discover for yourself what Gross National Happiness really means to the Bhutanese people which otherwise is difficult to define in words.
The event will showcase different artifacts, games, dances, food, folk and religious performances. It is a festival which will portray the simplicity, complexity and understanding of Bhutanese life.
In addition, you will experience how closely-knit a family the Bhutanese people is. The monks will see that the gods are appeased through their rituals so that the festival goes on un-hindered till the end. The lay people will come forward in contributing what they can towards such events while seeing the guests are at ease and happy. Traditional games may look very simple and yet very testing in their real performance. And yes, the Bhutanese are voracious eaters and one will find lots of choice during the festival with villagers bringing their pack lunches to the ground and sharing with others.
For those who like colors and dances there can be no better choice than mask and folk dances. Mask dances are not only a source of entertainment but one which embodies spiritual enrichment. Then while you will see the richness of Bhutanese textiles on display, you will also see the real processes as to how they are done from dying to carrying out intricate designs. This too goes for other handicrafts which will all be displayed for the benefit of the visitors.
Traditional etiquette demands for harmonious behavior including serving food, eating, dressing and even walking. You will observe all of them during this festival. Therefore, it will be an opportunity one may not want to miss. You can read Bhutan in a period of three days’ time.
The scene is set and we invite you all to come and partake in this grand festival.
Tashi Delek!
Location: Vicinity of the Punakha Dzong (Fortress)
Season/dates: 13, 14 &15 Dec, 2008
Duration: 3 days
Tourist Profile: Enjoys sports and games, history, culture, outdoors
Punakha is the winter residence of the Je Khenpo, the Chief Abbot of Bhutan. Situated at an elevation of 1350 meters or 4430 ft. from the sea level, it was once the capital of Bhutan. The valley has a sub-tropical kind of climate and winters are very pleasant.
The landmark of the place is its dzong or fortress-like structure called Punthang Dewachengi Phodrang. The Pho-chu or the male river flows to its right and the Mo-chu or the female river flows to its left offering a picturesque beauty to all who visit the valley. The dzong was the second of its kind built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1637, who unified Bhutan under one authority, the first being Semtokha dzong built in 1629. It was also in this dzong where the first king of Bhutan Sir Ugyen Wangchuck was enthroned as the first hereditary king of Bhutan in 1907.
It is in the vicinity of this dzong where a three-day festival captioned the ‘Bhutan Folk Festival’ will be held starting from 13th to 15th December 2008. The event is organized to commemorate the hundred years of monarchy in Bhutan. It will be a very special occasion for the tourists where they can get to participate with the local people in all of the events.
You will experience and discover the living tradition and culture of Bhutan which form very much the part and parcel of present-day Bhutanese life. You will also discover for yourself what Gross National Happiness really means to the Bhutanese people which otherwise is difficult to define in words.
The event will showcase different artifacts, games, dances, food, folk and religious performances. It is a festival which will portray the simplicity, complexity and understanding of Bhutanese life.
In addition, you will experience how closely-knit a family the Bhutanese people is. The monks will see that the gods are appeased through their rituals so that the festival goes on un-hindered till the end. The lay people will come forward in contributing what they can towards such events while seeing the guests are at ease and happy. Traditional games may look very simple and yet very testing in their real performance. And yes, the Bhutanese are voracious eaters and one will find lots of choice during the festival with villagers bringing their pack lunches to the ground and sharing with others.
For those who like colors and dances there can be no better choice than mask and folk dances. Mask dances are not only a source of entertainment but one which embodies spiritual enrichment. Then while you will see the richness of Bhutanese textiles on display, you will also see the real processes as to how they are done from dying to carrying out intricate designs. This too goes for other handicrafts which will all be displayed for the benefit of the visitors.
Traditional etiquette demands for harmonious behavior including serving food, eating, dressing and even walking. You will observe all of them during this festival. Therefore, it will be an opportunity one may not want to miss. You can read Bhutan in a period of three days’ time.
The scene is set and we invite you all to come and partake in this grand festival.
Tashi Delek!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bring Them Back
It isn’t quite 9/11 but then again this is not the US. This is Bhutan, the GNH nation. It is about happiness and a sense of assured wellbeing that isn’t quite there. Instead, there is a palpable sense of unease, even fear over what is going on in the capital. And it is all the harder to stomach when it concerns the youth, the supposed future of the nation. What happens when the streets are not safe anymore? Why are young kids menacing people with knives and sticks looking for easy loot? Wherein lies the answer to such unprecedented developments?
The players in this dangerous coliseum are obviously parents, teachers, the legal system and society at large. Today, after several incidents of blatant disregard for the law, people are actually scared to be out on the streets. On the other hand, we have youth who contemptuously ridicule the law. Being in the lock-up for a night or two has become almost second-nature for them. They are well aware that they will be out sometime or the other to resume their conquest of the night and hapless victims. They are not scared to scare the rest of society.
Why is this happening? People say that this is the consequence of changing times. Something that is inevitable. Yet, have we not as a nation always purported to avoid that cliché? We sell ourselves as a country that is different, unique, if you will. If that be so, then there is the need for us to urgently seek a solution to this growing malaise. Young students preying on migrant workers and the like mean a much deeper issue. It is pretty much the same for young girls throwing themselves at ever-willing sugar daddies.
In the end, it all boils down to money. Money to sustain a lifestyle that is not in keeping with the family income. For one, it is about drugs. It has become an all pervasive habit with youth. Tablets, syrups, intravenous stuff, they are doing it all. Only, getting the regular fix costs money. How does a young boy or girl pay for it every day with no source of income? Get into crime, that is the doorway to a regular fix. Steal, bully, sell yourself, anything at all. That is the present state of our youth. The people we so laud as the ones who will take us into a brighter future.
There is the need for the government to seriously look into these issues. We are emerging as a socially loose society. Divorces are rampant; education is weak and youth counseling non-existent. The law is still unclear about how to deal with minors and we have no mechanism in place to bring the aberrant back on the right path. Such lapses will only exacerbate the problem that not only makes our streets unsafe but goes against the very values that we embody as a GNH nation. We need to bring the boys and girls back to the fold. And we need to do it fast, before we lose them altogether.
The players in this dangerous coliseum are obviously parents, teachers, the legal system and society at large. Today, after several incidents of blatant disregard for the law, people are actually scared to be out on the streets. On the other hand, we have youth who contemptuously ridicule the law. Being in the lock-up for a night or two has become almost second-nature for them. They are well aware that they will be out sometime or the other to resume their conquest of the night and hapless victims. They are not scared to scare the rest of society.
Why is this happening? People say that this is the consequence of changing times. Something that is inevitable. Yet, have we not as a nation always purported to avoid that cliché? We sell ourselves as a country that is different, unique, if you will. If that be so, then there is the need for us to urgently seek a solution to this growing malaise. Young students preying on migrant workers and the like mean a much deeper issue. It is pretty much the same for young girls throwing themselves at ever-willing sugar daddies.
In the end, it all boils down to money. Money to sustain a lifestyle that is not in keeping with the family income. For one, it is about drugs. It has become an all pervasive habit with youth. Tablets, syrups, intravenous stuff, they are doing it all. Only, getting the regular fix costs money. How does a young boy or girl pay for it every day with no source of income? Get into crime, that is the doorway to a regular fix. Steal, bully, sell yourself, anything at all. That is the present state of our youth. The people we so laud as the ones who will take us into a brighter future.
There is the need for the government to seriously look into these issues. We are emerging as a socially loose society. Divorces are rampant; education is weak and youth counseling non-existent. The law is still unclear about how to deal with minors and we have no mechanism in place to bring the aberrant back on the right path. Such lapses will only exacerbate the problem that not only makes our streets unsafe but goes against the very values that we embody as a GNH nation. We need to bring the boys and girls back to the fold. And we need to do it fast, before we lose them altogether.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The sights and sounds of the job market remain the same. The number of jobs available is increasing. The number of job seekers is increasing faster. And the level of frustration is rising.We are now talking about 3.7 percent unemployment, meaning more than 10,500 youth looking for jobs. This is just the known estimate; there are many more, along with the related problems.
The essence of the problem has not changed since employment was first recognised as a problem. Most people talk about a mismatch. The jobs available are not what job seekers are looking for. The job seekers are not what employers are looking for.
As the job fair last weekend showed, and as job fairs of the past years revealed, employers want skills and experience. Job seekers are fresh out of educational institutions. If they had skills and experience they would already have jobs.
This is a gap that needs to be closed and, apart from vocational institutions, the first options have to be apprenticeships and internships. Such a “trial” period has proved to be of great value for both employers and job seekers around the world. In Bhutan, however, given that private employers are struggling to launch their businesses, they cannot afford to pay interns. Youth cannot afford to work for free. The government needs to share some of the costs. Internships in critical employment areas could be subsidized.
More than internships youth need trainings. The industry is poised to expand and is already looking for a wide range of trained people. The 10th Plan has projected 90,000 jobs and the immediate need is quality training in this vibrant service sector.
At this stage, a central employment agency may help provide the perspective and focus needed to tackle the problem.
This trend is emerging at a time when our agricultural fields are becoming fallow at an alarming rate. It is extremely unlikely that youth, particularly, will think of returning to the farms. The new government is looking at vocations in rural areas, more businesses than outright farming.
Such an initiative would need to be dramatically creative. It would need to be accompanied by facilities and comforts like power and telephone lines and, these days, good Internet connections. Most people will move out of the large cities only if there is a semblance of urban living that includes shops and entertainment centres.
For a start, however, the government needs to clamp down on unwanted practices today. There are a number of industries and services, like the printing industry, that have not taken off only because they have remained briefcase businesses and nothing has been done about it.
These are industries where the government is the main, and sometimes the only, client. They turn over millions of ngultrums and can employ thousands of people. If these are not controlled and nurtured, starting new ventures will be far more difficult.
The essence of the problem has not changed since employment was first recognised as a problem. Most people talk about a mismatch. The jobs available are not what job seekers are looking for. The job seekers are not what employers are looking for.
As the job fair last weekend showed, and as job fairs of the past years revealed, employers want skills and experience. Job seekers are fresh out of educational institutions. If they had skills and experience they would already have jobs.
This is a gap that needs to be closed and, apart from vocational institutions, the first options have to be apprenticeships and internships. Such a “trial” period has proved to be of great value for both employers and job seekers around the world. In Bhutan, however, given that private employers are struggling to launch their businesses, they cannot afford to pay interns. Youth cannot afford to work for free. The government needs to share some of the costs. Internships in critical employment areas could be subsidized.
More than internships youth need trainings. The industry is poised to expand and is already looking for a wide range of trained people. The 10th Plan has projected 90,000 jobs and the immediate need is quality training in this vibrant service sector.
At this stage, a central employment agency may help provide the perspective and focus needed to tackle the problem.
This trend is emerging at a time when our agricultural fields are becoming fallow at an alarming rate. It is extremely unlikely that youth, particularly, will think of returning to the farms. The new government is looking at vocations in rural areas, more businesses than outright farming.
Such an initiative would need to be dramatically creative. It would need to be accompanied by facilities and comforts like power and telephone lines and, these days, good Internet connections. Most people will move out of the large cities only if there is a semblance of urban living that includes shops and entertainment centres.
For a start, however, the government needs to clamp down on unwanted practices today. There are a number of industries and services, like the printing industry, that have not taken off only because they have remained briefcase businesses and nothing has been done about it.
These are industries where the government is the main, and sometimes the only, client. They turn over millions of ngultrums and can employ thousands of people. If these are not controlled and nurtured, starting new ventures will be far more difficult.
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